Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Mission to Mexico

I have been fortunate to find a wonderful group of people on Etsy in the HOST Team (Helping Others Street Team). There are so many giving, thoughtful, spirited, kind, generous, and amazing artists on this team of people who have gathered together to raise money to help Etsy artists in need. This team not only helps people financially, there are a miriad of resources that have been researched and gathered to give out to those who might not know about them, so that they can help themselves. In this group I have found several people whom I call friend, and others I am getting to know better. One of my friends is featured below.

My friend Mishy is trying to raise funds to go on a volunteer trip to Mexico to work in an Orphanage. Here is a link to her blog post explaining it in detail. She has had some unfortunate and sad events in her own life of late and could use some help of her own as well. She has helped me in my etsy shops with banners, avatars, and ideas that have brought great successes for me. She has asked for nothing in return. Here is a link to her fabulous shop, Fire and Ice Designs, on Etsy. She is an artist who works with glass and turns it, along with various stones, into gorgeous jewelry. Please take a moment to check out her shop, you won't regret it!

On a more sad note, one of my very good friends in my home town who has been and inspiration, a rock to cling to in times of trouble, and has helped me adjust to my own life changes, is having surgery today for colon cancer. I am asking for any and all types of prayers, good thoughts, lighting of candles, crossing of fingers, and/or any other good wishes and positive energies for her on this day that her surgery go well, that her cancer be in a curable stage, and that she will heal quickly. Thank you!

That's all my locked up slow moving fingers can type out at this hour ;) so, until next time...




Anonymous said...

Awww, thanks Tonya. And many prayers for you friend for healing and peacefullness.

Anonymous said...

Lovely post elles :) My maternal Grandmother had surgery for bowel cancer. They can do great things for that these days - she made a full recovery and I wish for the same for your friend x

Ellesbelle said...

Thank you ladies for your wellwishes for my friend, I really appreciate it and she would too.